Welcome to Tailwind Discovery Group


We’re here to help you get what you want from your business.  To get the wind at your back.  Do you want to grow faster? To become more profitable?  Build a legacy?  Enjoy your life more?

Your job is to figure out what you want from your business.  Ours is to help you get it.


The EOS Model

Build Your Business On A Solid Foundation

Your business is only as strong as the Operating System you use to run it. 

Here's a simple question to ask yourself:  Would my business be stronger if everyone in it was:

  • 100% aligned and rowing in the same direction
  • Getting more work done in less time
  • In an environment of complete openness, honesty, trust and cohesion?

If your answer is "Yes," we can help.

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Build Your Business For the Future

What got you here won’t always get you there. If you’re feeling stuck, your Strategy and Business Model has probably gotten stale. It happens to every business sooner or later.  If that's where you are, we'll help you work through options and create a clear, winning direction that will power you to the next level.

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Turn Your People Loose

Once you have a strong Operating System and solid Strategy and Business Model in place, the only question is how far you will go. That depends entirely on how much you Engage and Empower your people.  That’s the key to both productivity AND innovation.  We'll help you make it happen.

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